
Remove potentially unwanted programs from installation file
Remove potentially unwanted programs from installation file

remove potentially unwanted programs from installation file

Within that registry directory, you will see two kinds of entries: software ID entry and human-readable software names. Within the editor, use the left-hand navigation pane to navigate the directory structure of the registry to this location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall Inside the registry, we’re going to make two potential stops (depending on whether not you’re running the 32-bit or 64-bit version of windows). Type “regedit” in the Start Menu run box to launch the Registry Editor.

remove potentially unwanted programs from installation file

If, for some reason, the CCleaner method didn’t work (or you simply wish to do it manually), it’s into the Registry we go.

remove potentially unwanted programs from installation file

Remove potentially unwanted programs from installation file manual#

Purging Entries with Manual Registry Edits Restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Select the “Delete” button.ĭelete, as opposed to “Uninstall”, will simply remove the entry from the program list and will not attempt to remove any installed software or bits left behind after a manual uninstall. Within the the Tools section, select “Uninstall” and then from the list of programs select the program you wish to remove the entry for. After running it, click on the large “Tools” tab in the left-hand navigation pane. To use CCleaner to purge your “Add or Remove Programs” list, simply download the application from the Piriform website here and run it. If, for whatever reason, it doesn’t work (software problems are what got most of us into this mess in the first place after all) you can follow up by manually editing your registry. By all means, try the CCleaner method first, because it’s fast and pretty much foolproof. Regardless of what created the phantom entry, it is easy to remove either via a few quick edits to the Windows Registry or by using the popular CCleaner application to perform the task for you. RELATED: What Does CCleaner Do, and Should You Use It?

Remove potentially unwanted programs from installation file